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Environment and Community | Peterkin Paper and Printery

Feeling good about sustainable choices and giving back

Did you know that paper takes only six weeks to bio-degrade compared to 120 years for plastic? And paper can be recycled up to seven times?

Being environmentally aware has become second nature to us all. By carefully choosing the materials we print on; how we reuse, reduce, and recycle around Peterkin Paper; PLUS, how we ship your packages helps meet our sustainability goals.

Good news for the environment and feel-good for you!

Green paper choices

At Peterkin Paper we ensure our paper comes from reputable mills whose aim is for the longevity of the paper industry and who manufacture with clean, efficient and responsible technologies and ethical values. Knowing where your paper comes from is an important step to ensuring your paper is climate-friendly.

For instance, Gmund Paper is manufactured in Germany, a country that’s the global leader in paper recycling and exceeding sustainability manufacturing standards.

Our recycled and Eco product ranges include products made from wind power, pulp from sustainably managed plantations and forests, and recycled papers of various percentages.

Even our Rigid Signage (Eco Board) and Posters are 100% plant-based and are plastic free!

View the individual characteristics of each paper and its eco values by visiting the Our Paper tab on the website.

Around Peterkin

  • Team Peterkin’s always had a general philosophy of re-use, re-purpose and recycle throughout our everyday lives. You'll often find us pulling something apart to mend or upcycle items we need around the place.
  • Some of our vintage Heidelberg machines are over 70-years-old! No end-of-life throw-away culture here! Lovingly maintained, we source second hand parts when required.
  • We use off-cuts to create notepads for the team (great for to-dos and reminders). We often pop them in your orders as a freebie. Any off-cuts that are simply too small for giving back are sent for recycling.
  • While we haven’t quite embraced re-using the tea-bags, Team Peterkin are keen FOGO bin users in the office kitchens and correct bin usage is actively policed.
  • All of our waste paper, packaging and soft plastics are collected and recycled.
  • Even the magnesium plates used for foiling and embossing are sent to a specialist recycler.
  • We obviously get through oodles of toner and ink – the empty cartridges and containers are collected by the suppliers or sent to national recycling schemes.
  • We’re still working on finding a bio-degradeable shrink wrap film (that actually works), we’ll keep you posted!

In the community

  • Peterkin are proud to support a number of not-for-profit and charitable organisations by donating beautiful paper off-cuts.
  • We have a special paper bin regularly collected by REmida WA and avidly support Breast Cancer Care WA with paper supplies.
  • Peterkin regularly donate paper and envelopes to local schools, churches, aged care, and community groups, which are turned into hand-made greeting cards and sold at fund-raising projects.
  • We’re passionate about assisting wherever we can and encourage you to contact us should you have a worthy cause for our premium paper off-cuts.

Packaging and shipping

  • Our shipping boxes are made from 100% recycled post-consumer waste paper and are great quality - please re-use them.
  • We use 100% recycled newspaper our staff, families and even neighbours save and regularly supply (our customers often comment on the WA local news).
  • Our bubble wrap is also biodegradable while still offering the same protective properties, being lightweight and strong. Naturally occurring microorganisms in the soil and landfill consume this eco-friendly wrap, breaking it down without leaving a trace.