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Wholesale & Trade Luxury Paper

Wholesale & Trade Luxury Paper

Register your business to access wholesale pricing of up to 50% less across our entire range of paper, envelopes and print services.

With our exclusive paper stocks from around the globe, luxury matching envelopes made on site,
world famous customer service and easy ordering ...your paper nightmares will be over!


Design & Print Shops/Studios

We supply pre-cut paper in A4 & SRA3 as standard. Parent sheets are available in millpack quantities and our envelopes are available in packs as small as 10, with further discounts offered for quantity.

To be approved you'll need:

  • Current & Valid ABN Number relating to your business (Australian businesses only)

  • Active Social Proof (Facebook/Instagram Page) and/or website

Corporate, Hospitality & Small Businesses

We don't supply wholesale for once-off invitations, but if you regularly need letterhead paper, menu paper, envelopes or other paper or printing needs, we're here to help.

To be approved, you'll need:

  • Current & Valid ABN Number relating to your business (Australian businesses only)

  • Volume Purchasing

Don't worry, we don't need your entire life story
so it'll only take a couple of minutes...

"I've purchased products from Peterkin for a few years and you always provide the best customer service and products. Thanks once again for your phenomenal service."

Sally O'Connor, Creative Director - Peacock Design & Print